HYPOXI-Method international: Limitless beauty

Different countries, different customs. However dissimilar the cultures, religions and traditions of the world may be, where one thing’s concerned, man – or rather woman – seems to be entirely in agreement: no matter where you are in the world, beauty is a subject of enormous fascination. Targeted figure shaping using the HYPOXI-Method is offered internationally, and is already helping beauty-seekers in over 50 countries to achieve slimmer, more toned body contours.
Naturally, concepts of beauty vary between different cultural groups. It’s not only the beauty ideals that are very different, eating habits are too – something that’s not unconnected to body shape. It’s all the more interesting, then, that a method that was developed a good 15 years ago in Austria is now achieving success the world over.
HYPOXI is represented by studios in buzzing cities such as Sydney, London, Dubai, Shanghai and Hong Kong. “Down under”, in particular, this innovative body shaping method boasts a large community of fans. There are more than 70 HYPOXI-Studios in Australia, where beach life is celebrated in a very specific way. The perfect beach figure, courtesy of HYPOXI, is almost obligatory here.
What is also particularly exciting is the beauty market in Asia: in India, for example, beauty ideals are deeply rooted in the religious culture. Added to this is the huge influence of the Bollywood industry. Indian actresses are the modern beauty goddesses, whom young women wish to emulate. This, amongst other factors, guarantees that the Indian HYPOXI-Studios in New Delhi and Gurgaon, for example, are hugely popular.
In South Korea young people are strongly influenced by western role models: white skin and big eyes – that’s the look Korean girls want, and they will even undertake drastic measures to get it. In Seoul HYPOXI is one weapon in the battle against annoying pockets of fat on the belly, legs or bottom and represents a natural alternative to radical beauty surgery.
Yet in very exotic countries too, where the beauty cult isn’t immediately evident at first glance, the HYPOXI-Method has its fans. In West Africa in Nigeria, for example, or in Mongolia.
So what exactly is this method that’s become a global sensation?
The successful formula of the HYPOXI-Method for targeted body shaping is based on the innovative combination of moderate movement to stimulate the metabolism and classic, natural treatment methods: Compression to support the lymph and veins and the vacuum treatment, which is known, for example, from the cupping massage.
The alternation of positive and negative pressure serves to increase the blood circulation in problem areas, to eliminate water collects and toxins from the tissues. Thus you achieve lasting success with very little activity. The time taken is also minimal, at 20-30 minutes a session.
The HYPOXI-Method is offered in authorised HYPOXI-Studios. Four treatment devices offer the correct solution for the problem areas of the hips, stomach, bottom and thighs. Certified HYPOXI-Coaches create individual training plans according to a customer’s situation and objective, provide tips and ideas for a healthy, well-ordered diet and support customers on their journey to the figure they want.
Corporate Communications
Peter Indinger
Tel.: +43 7667 2151518
E-Mail: p.indinger@hypoxi.com
HYPOXI Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH
Wildenhag 88
4881 Straß im Attergau